
I've had so much going on lately. So, in order for me to get back to studying shortly, I shall sum this up quickly and probably messily. So many people are getting engaged. It is crazy. It makes me feel so alone. I'm alright with being single and independent most of the time, but there are those moments where you just feel so sad and lonely, and those moments are rapidly increasing!! Ever since right before prom, i've been kind of depressed. I hope I can snap out of it soon. I've just been so sad. Don't get me wrong, I don't want a ring on my finger or anything, I just think it is very nice to have that person who loves you as much as you love them. Secondly, I have three finals tomorrow. Oh my goodness!! I'm done with chemistry, thank goodness, but i'm really worried about my stat, psyc, and comp finals tomorrow. I will officially be done with my lfirst semster of college tomorrow though!! It seems crazy!! Time flies. All day I have been trying to catch up on homework and such, but I still have so much left to do. Oh no! Also, as far as my summer vacations go, this oil spill is quite inconvenient!! We are supposed to go to Gulf Shores in one month and it is going to be very messy, but oh well. We considered going somewhere else, but I believe we have decided to continue out tradition to Gulf Shores! Yay! Graduation is in ten days, five hours, and thirty two minutes. I'm slightly panicing about that too. I still have several invitations to mail out!! Whoops!! Alright, I believe we are all caught up now.


I've been thinking a whole lots lately, and I must admit, I have be come very discouraged. Today, I came to the conclusion, that everyone (except the Lord) can be replaced. It's as simple as that. I thought I had a friendship that was strong enough to withstand someone else taking my place, but I believe it is happening. Slowly but surely. It's actually very upsetting, but I don't think there is anything I can do to change it. So I'm trying to go with the flow and keep a level head on my shoulders. I'm definately praying about this, but I know change is part of life, plain and simple, it happens, and there is nothing I nor anyone else can do to stop it. Therefore, if we are meant to be replaced, it will happen whether we like it or not. We muct hold out heads high and pretend it doesn't bother us in the least and handle it as gracefully as possible. Good luck!!

In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different.
-Coco Chanel