Home for the Holidays

Oh it is been so nice to be home for more than 48 hours! I love being able to jump in my car whenever I want and go where ever I want without depending on anyone else. I love being back at work. I don't particularly miss working retail during the holidays, but I have missed my girls terribly! I've also begun hanging out with Anthony. We never really had a chance to be friends before we dated, but it is so nice to be be friends now. He always has tried to fix me when I'm broken, so he has been working on me all break, making me smile here, making me laugh there, cheering me up all the time. I've also gotten to spend time with my family. I have missed them all so much. Especially my cousins. They are growing up so fast, I want to be around as much as possible. I have spent a lot of the break trying to get over the break up. I have made so much progress. I only hope I can keep my composure when we get back to Knoxville. It ought to be interesting to see how it plays out. I am very excited to see Paige again. I have missed her a lot! I also found out the night of Emma and Corie's dance recital, that Aunt Marcy and Uncle Chris are probably getting a divorce. That did not go over well since I have no experience with dealing with divorce. But God knows what needs to happen and I know he has control of the situation whichever way it turns out. I also began to miss Grandma so much this Christmas. It's been almost 7 years, but I still think about her daily and miss her a lot.

Now the actual holiday part of the break. Well, to be perfectly honest, the holidays alone are extremely depressing for me. I hate being alone. It makes me very sad. However, I have tried to keep myself very busy with work and reading and with friends and family. I have been reading The Hunger Games. They are incredible. If you know me at all, you know I do not read. These books have me hooked! I read each book in about 2 days. Christmas seemed to come and go without much clamor. We celebrated with Dad's side early so that Pappaw could be in Arkansas with Mammaw and Aunt Kay for Christmas because this might be Mammaw's last. Christmas day was nice. We got up, opened presents, then spent the evening playing games and hanging out at David and Robin's.  The day after Christmas we traveled to Birmingham to celebrate with my Mum's side. My aunt and uncles and cousin flew in from California. It is the only time I get to see them all year, so it is always fun to catch up. That bring us up to today. Today is New Year's Day. I had some friend over last night to celebrate the new year. It was nice to have friends around, and made it much less depressing to be alone. But still, not having someone to kiss at midnight was just a little sad. But this is a even year, and the even years seem to be much better than the odd! So I have great expectations for this year! I pray everyone has a blessed New Year and that 2012 brings much joy to your life (and hopefully not the end of the world. haha). I look forward to what 2012 has in store for me and am excited to see how God will work in my life throughout the next 366 days (it's a leap year).

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