
I refer to this semester as "high school without the dress code and drama." I continue to debate whether my decision to graduate early was such a good idea. I am most certainly more quiet than ever. I can go an entire day saying only five words (which are usually spoken to Katie on my way to Comp 1). I feel so small in this big new world of "adults". I don't know many people, but that's alright. It gives me lots of time to think. I do miss aspects of high school though. Walking into a class and automatically having a best friend to sit with is something I will no longer take for granted. I also miss being protected. As silly as it sounds, in high school, I knew I always had someone to go to if I ever felt unsafe. Whether it be my guy-friends or a teacher, someone would always be there if need be. In college, that is not the case. Therefore, I am on my own. I wake up, drive, study, walk to class, all by myself most days. It's very different from anything I'm used to. This isn't quite how I pictured college being, but I do like it. It is a life experience. I never know exactly what new surprises it has in store for me, which keeps it interesting and a bit of the adventurous aspect in it.

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