Curve Balls

Well, life has thrown a couple curve balls my way lately:
1. Chris and I broke up. Probably the hardest thing I have dealt with in years, because I'm pretty much crazy about the kid. I’m more torn up about this even more than any or all of the things listed below, combined.
2. I've been diagnosed with PCOD, Polycystic Ovarian Disease. PCOD just happens to be the leading cause of infertility.
3. I've been diagnosed with Insulin Resistance, which is apparently Pre Diabetes. This means, my Pancreas is making tons and tons of Insulin. However, my body won't use it or even acknowledge it. My blood sugar is completely fine, but my Insulin levels are through the roof. This is why I've gained so much weight the past few months. I've been put on a Type 2 Diabetes medicine called Metformin, which makes my body use the Insulin. It's working. I've lost 7 pounds in the 7 days I've been on it. The downside is, it makes me super sick. I feel icky every time I eat, and a lot of the time, I don't even have an appetite to eat. My dosage will continue to increase over the next few weeks, but will level out at 1500 mg. I'm praying my body will then adjust to the medicine, because I hate feeling so sick all the time.
4. The doctor called me in today to talk. I've never had a doctor call me in to talk. Well, she had a pretty good and upsetting reason. She knew something didn't seem right with my Uterus, so she sent me to have an ultra sound done. The results were in. According to the Ultra Sound Tech, I have Hyperplasia Endometrium, otherwise known as Pre-Cancer of the Uterus. I now have to squeeze in yet another surgery prior to my moving to Knoxville to determine whether this is the case or not. The doctor seemed to think I was way too young to have this, but she felt the Ultra Sound Tech was adamant enough that it needed to be further investigated.
On top of all this, I am dealing with the emotional goodbyes to my amazing Charming Charlie co-workers and my family and friends, as I prepare to move 100 miles away to the University of Tennessee at Knoxville.