
And so begins the preparartions to move into a dorm at UT! I've already made a large dent in my shopping list, and expanded my "college corner" to about a fourth of my room! I have everything from my beadspread to band-aids, with much more to go. Every paycheck, I put some into savings, and whats left, I coax Mum into going college shopping with me!! We spent hours at Target last week, with much success!!
AHH!! I move is less than one month!! I still haven't been assigned a building, room, or roommate!! Which is making me really antsy! I've gotten almost everything though. I've had MANY shopping trips like the one in the previous entry. My "college corner" continues to grow and grow. I made a crazy long, catagorized, color coded list of what I need, what I have, what I want, lol. It's massive. I'm getting so excited!
11 days until I move in. I've been assigned to South Carrick 513 with Katie Peck. She seems super sweet!! But, for those who don't know, South Carrick 513 is a study room. UTK decided to over contract by about 100. This means that they have converted many study rooms to temporary dorm rooms. No closet, no in-room bathroom, no luxuries like that. So we will have a key to our own private bathroom, which is down the hall, and will just have to make do without a closet. However, this room is only temporary. After the two week freeze housing puts on all housing changes at the beginning of school, they will then see who is a no show, and I will be split up from my current roommate and we will be placed into normal dorm rooms. Sigh. On the flip side, I have almost every single thing on my mega list. Haha. I only lack a very few simple school supplies and such.
I move tomorrow!!!! I'm so excited and kinda scared. I was changed to Humes 619. So now I have a permanent room and won't have to move again!! Yay! But I'm sad I won't be rooming with Katie. She was so nice!! I've only contacted one of the other three girls in our suit. It's 4AM and mum and I just finished packing. There are still a few odds and ends she will have to finish up tomorrow. Because of my surgery today, we had to finish everything tonight. I'm really nervous about being able to move everything. I think I may have to leave a lot of the lifting and carrying to the guys, and focus on unpacking and organizing since I will still be recovering. It is still so surreal! I can't wait!!

Goodbye Chattanooga State

I should be studying for my math exam I'm about to take, however, I haven't blogged in ages, and this was where I did most of my blogging a year ago. While I'm so excited to go to UT, I'm actually kind of sad to leave Chatt State. I know where everything is here, and I'm comfortable. The thought of going to a huge new campus is pretty scary. This past semester has been the best yet. Lunch with Zachy every Tuesday and Thursday is the best!! I guess I'm on to bigger and better things, but change is always difficult for me. I'll definitely miss it here.

UT Orientation

Still hasn't hit me that I'm about to move 100 miles away in just 3 short months. Mum and I made the trek to Knoxville, stayed at the Holiday Inn-World's Fair. She was so excited that the World's Fair ball just right outside our window. We spent the evening with Christopher. He showed us around campus (my 2nd time that week, because I had visited him earlier that week, and I was still completely lost!). We watched Sex in the City, which I found pretty funny, because that is definitely not one of our Mother/Daughter kinda movies. It was an early morning, but went fairly smoothly. I got my "VolCard" (student ID), which is an absolutely awful picture. I look pretty demonic with my red eye. Then began the endless hours of lectures on financial aid, enrollment, classes, campus life, etc... Finally, we had our group advising, which was quite overwhelming. She wanted me to take Biology and Microbiology in the same semester. No thank you! I ended up with 16 hours. And a pretty do-able course load. We ended our trip with dinner in the UC with Chris. Then headed home. I slept most of the way, and left the radio on country music. Mum said it played non-stop songs about leaving home, and growing up. That's country music for ya. Overall, pretty successful orientation.

University of Tennessee-Knoxville!!

Accepted and enrolled!!!! SO EXCITED!