Three Crosses

Three brand new, gigantic crosses are being constructed right off I-75. I believe Jesus Christ died on the cross for me. But I don't think these huge crosses are the way to show the Lord's love. How many times have you stood in line at Wal-Mart and seen someone have to put things back because they didn't have the money? Couldn't you help them? You could take that money and buy someone's coffee at Starbucks. That would speak volumes to me. Take that money, and make a difference in someone's life. Don't you think that would be letting God's light shine though you? What do these crosses do? How do they help? How do they make a difference? God didn't put flashy signs up to remind us how great he is, or to thank him. He put his effort into working in everyday people's lives. When will people understand it's not about how tall your steeple is or how many your sanctuary holds. I just don't understand how these huge metal poles will show God's love.

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